Bowditch Portraits
Photos of the Ship

A collection of photos of the ship at sea and in port.
A collection of photos of the ship at sea and in port.
Bowditch Navy detachments/units in formal and informal group photos. Some images include the NAVOCEANO personnel and tech reps.
David Crestin was executive officer of Oceanographic Detachment One aboard USNS Bowditch (T-AGS-21) in 1965.
Dave Gross served aboard USNS Bowditch in 1965-1966 as a Navy PH2. He was the photographer for Oceanographic Detachment One.
Founder of the TAGS web site, Electronics Technician (ET) Earl Adams served aboard Bowditch in 1966-69 and Michelson 1970-71.
John Prough served aboard Bowditch during 1967-68 as a NAVDAC computer technical representative employed by Sperry.
Ron Gazboda served on USNS Bowditch in 1968-1969 as a Navy PH2. He was the OcUnit 1 photographer.
Bob Lord was a Bunker-Ramo CP-677 computer tech rep aboard USNS Bowditch 1972-73 and USNS Michelson 1973-74.
These photos are extracted from the original cruise book paste-ups, as saved by Bob Lord. Scans of the cruise books are located in Bowditch Ship's Newspapers.
OcUnit 2 Navy Crew at Pentargan Hotel in Falmouth, Cornwall while Bowditch was in drydock. Photos are extracted from the original cruise book paste-ups, as saved by Bob Lord.
Former Bunker-Ramo tech rep Bob Lord contributed his collection of the the original Bowditch cruise book paste-ups. Cruise books can be seen in Bowditch Ship's Newspapers.
Richard Newman served aboard USNS Bowditch from mid-1972 to late-1974 as a Navy Electronics Technician (ET).
Art Dayson served aboard USNS Bowditch in 1973 as a Navy ETR2.
Richard Newman served aboard USNS Bowditch from mid-1972 to late-1974 as a Navy Electronics Technician (ET).
Art Dayson served aboard USNS Bowditch in 1973 as a Navy ETR2.
Roger Gilfert served as Executive Officer of Oceanographic Unit One from May 1974 to June 1975 as a Navy LTJG.
Bill Truslow worked for NAVOCEANO from 1980 to 1989. He served aboard USNS Bowditch, USNS Dutton and USNS H. H. Hess as gravity rep.
A collection of photos of survey ship USNS Dutton, including one of the ship as SS Tuskegee Victory.
Dutton Navy detachments/units in formal and informal group photos. Some images include the NAVOCEANO personnel and tech reps.
Jack Keenan was a Sperry NAVDAC computer tech rep aboard USNS Dutton in 1962-63 and on Michelson in 1966.
Rick Hollis served aboard USNS Dutton in 1964-66 as a Navy ST2 (Sonar Technician).
Ron Walker was a member of OcUnit 2 aboard USNS Dutton from 1969-71. An ETN2, his specialty was the BRN-3.
Carl Friberg had a 40+ year career at sea, a Navy Radioman, MSTS/MSC deck officer and captain. He sailed on Bowditch, Dutton and Michelson.
Paul Rokoff served aboard USNS Dutton from 1972-74 as a Navy ETN3 and ETN2.
Roger Gilfert served as Executive Officer of Oceanographic Unit One from May 1974 to June 1975 as a Navy LTJG.
Harvey Edwards was a Navy ET aboard USNS Dutton during 1974-76 and USNS Bowditch 1978-79.
Bruce Gray served as a Navy PH2 aboard USNS Dutton during 1979-80. He was the OcUnit 2 photographer.
Bill Truslow worked for NAVOCEANO from 1980 to 1989. He served aboard USNS Bowditch, USNS Dutton and USNS H. H. Hess as gravity rep.
Chet Headley was a Sonar Technician (STG) aboard Michelson 1964-65 and Bowditch 1965-66. Later he worked as SASS sonar tech rep 1967-72.
Photos of USNS Michelson in port, in dry dock and at sea, including one image of SS Joliet Victory.
Michelson Navy detachments/units in formal and informal group photos. Tech reps (field engineers) are shown in one group photo.
Jeff Lawrence was a Sperry field engineer aboard Michelson in 1964-65, assigned to maintain the SINS equipment.
Jeff Lawrence was a Sperry field engineer aboard Michelson in 1964-65, assigned to maintain the SINS equipment.
Official Navy photos, snapshots and images from OcDet 3 newsletters collected by John Hansen, ET aboard Michelson during 1962-64.
Chet Headley was a Sonar Technician (STG) aboard Michelson 1964-65 and Bowditch 1965-66. Later he worked as SASS sonar tech rep 1967-72.
Ben Gorman ET1, Ray Tullos ET3, Smokey Stover PH1 and 2nd mate Paul Murray rescued six sailors from sinking Taiwan freighter SS Grand.
Navy ET Ray Shunk sailed aboard Michelson in 1966-67 and Bowditch 1967-68. During 1970-73 he was a civilian tech rep for the SASS sonar.
Ace was a Navy STG, and served aboard USNS Michelson in 1967 and USNS Bowditch in 1968.
George Meier served aboard Michelson in 1967 as a Navy ET.
Founder of the TAGS web site, Electronics Technician (ET) Earl Adams served aboard Bowditch in 1966-69 and Michelson 1970-71.
Founder of the TAGS web site, Electronics Technician (ET) Earl Adams served aboard Bowditch in 1966-69 and Michelson 1970-71.
Phil Brooks served on Michelson from 1970-72 as a Navy ETN2 and aboard Dutton 1972-74 as an ET1. He developed the TAGS website Guest Log.
Steve Campbell was a Navy ETR2 with OcUnit 3 aboard Michelson 1972-73.
Bob Lord was a Bunker-Ramo CP-677 computer tech rep aboard USNS Bowditch 1972-73 and USNS Michelson 1973-74.
Collected photos of the ship as SS Canada Mail and as USNS H. H. Hess at sea and in port.
Three OcUnit 3 Navy crew group photos.
Bill Truslow worked for NAVOCEANO from 1980 to 1989. He served aboard USNS Bowditch, USNS Dutton and USNS H. H. Hess as gravity rep.
Bennett Scharf served aboard USNS H. H. Hess as a Navy ET during 1980-82.