Winter in the North Atlantic
Winter in the North Atlantic
Our Stateroom
Target Practice
Horse Shoes
R and R on Deck
PH2 Dave Gross
Man Overboard Drill
Transponder Launch
Transponder assembled on No. 4 hold cover - crewman working on the battery pack - LT David Crestin and LCDR V. L. Harris standing on the left
Transponder Launch
The cargo booms are being attached to the transponder assembly
Transponder Launch
The bosun operates the cargo boom winches to raise the transpondrer off the No. 4 hold hatch cover
Transponder Launch
ET3 John Valade holding the orange floatation tank, ET1 Charlie King giving hand signals, SN Hal Burnett stabilizing the assembly
Transponder Launch
Over the side and into the water
Oceanographic Stations
Hooking a Nansen bottle to the wire
Nansen bottles were used these to collect seawater samples - bottles were attached to the cable at different lengths to obtain samples of temperature and pressure at different depths