Sunset at Sea


Starboard Side Looking Aft

Ffrom the 04 Level - Note the fancy new plaque that the MSC ships received when the organization changed its name from MSTS to MSC

Starboard Side Looking Aft

On the main desck

Starboard Side Looking Foward

From high on the superstructure

Starboard Side Looking Foward

From high on the superstructure

Starboard Side Looking Foward

From the main deck

Starboard Side Looking Foward

The water-tight door to the wet lab in the Fo'c'sle is open. On the right is the winch used to lower the velocimeter

Life Rafts

Life Boat

Crew on Deck

At No. 4 hold starboard side

Kress, Fishing

Horse Shoes

In khakis is CWO2 Matthew Ekdahl, OcUnit One's EMO

Desk in Enlisted Stateroom

Rack in Enlisted Stateroom

Oc Unit Lounge

Our Piano

In the Oc Unit lounge

The Gym

The Movie Lounge

Looking Aft from the Forecastle