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Bob Lockhart
USNS Michelson TAGS23/Jul72-Oct73/ Navy
Post # 315
07-23-2024 | 03:11

Saying hi to all that I was privileged to serve with!
Byron Dale Kizer Jr.
Uss Lenawee apa, uss Abbott DD and uss Bardon 722
Post # 314
07-20-2024 | 10:13

Surged in the Navy from Feb. 1962 thru May 1966
Byron D. Kizer Jr
USS Barron 722
Post # 313
07-20-2024 | 10:06

Served on board in 1966 with my brother Thomas Dale Kizer
Tony Geneva
Post # 312
07-13-2024 | 21:15

USNS Bowditch
Sperry Tech Rep
Daniel Wardin
Dutton ca. Late 'sixties, early 'seventies
Post # 311
07-08-2024 | 14:52

Stepson of Steve Gage, General Instruments rep. It was a pleasure reading through your many remembrances, a small tickle seeing Lee Everett's name (he visited us at home many times in Barcelona). Also, the name Ed Gauthier who once babysat me at the Hotel Bompard in Marseilles when my parents went to see "Last Tango In Paris." My step father was a great man. Best regards from a son of the "Dirty D."
Chris Headley
Michelson, Bowditch
Post # 310
06-30-2024 | 07:26

30 June 2024

Wishing all a wonderful Fourth of July !!!

ET2 USN Ret. Joseph A. Rugg
OCU-1 1986-87
Post # 309
06-17-2024 | 16:37

Just checking in. Wondering if any of the Ole shipmates remember me. One of the few USN members who did duty as a Merchant Marine while at sea.
DS3 Michelle K Pleszkoch
H H Hess 1988 Tag-38 USN
Post # 308
06-14-2024 | 22:15

1988...Great experience. Rio , Curacao, Panama Canal, Hawaii. White water rafting, Hang Gliding, interesting ocean geology, working with NAVO. Whale sightings, Flying fish, Bio luminesence! Climbing the A frames. Holiday routine which was just like any other day except there was cake ??? Volleyball madness. Good memories. Hard work.
Chris Headley
1964 - 1973 Michelson and Bowditch
Post # 307
05-28-2024 | 20:28

Hola Shipmates, 28 May 2024

Since we honored the Michelson with a custom license plate we decided to honor the Bowditch with a plate of her own on our Dodge PU Truck. She now proudly wears a Navy Veteran plate with "TAGS21" commemorating her and all that served on her.

I probably wasn't clear when I commented "Only one in AZ". I meant we only have one plate here in Arizona, our vehicles only wear a rear plate. The front of our vehicles are clean. Texas insists on a front and rear plate. I refused to display a front plate on our Mustang and our Police interceptor. I was only stopped once and told the cop to look around, "No one" with a nice looking car puts an ugly plate on the front. He let me go w/o a citation.

Best Always
Chris Headley
Chris Headley
Michelson, Bowditch
Post # 306
05-19-2024 | 12:55

Hi Shipmates, 19 May 2024

Got our cop car out of the shop yesterday. She passed the smog test here in Phoenix. Took the paperwork to the local AZ License office, transferred the title from TX to AZ. Ordered a custom Navy Veteran plate (only one in AZ) with a custom Plate ID: TAGS23 Since I spent the most time on the Mike thought her Hull number was most deserving.

If you ever see a black 2000 Ford Police Interceptor tooling down the highway with the Mike's # give us a Honk and wave. Maybe we can stop and have a visit and a snack.

Thank You All For Serving Our Country and God Bless You and Your Families.

Best Always
Chris Headley
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