Donald Fatzie
Dutton, Bowditch, Michaelson 1966 - 1972 NAVOCEANO Post # 237 08-19-2020 | 12:15 |
Great site, keep up the good work
Peter Hansen
Post # 236 08-06-2020 | 11:56 |
Very nice website...
Constance lane niclas MHA
1947 Post # 235 07-28-2020 | 13:17 |
I just read your comments about my beloved god father captain Wilhelm Frederick Bondeson . He was born in Goteborg, Sweden And rests in the family plot I was notified by the U S consulate when he died. In1947 my father was first mate to uncle bill and was asked to be a god father. He was under cover OSS, officer spoke 4 languages and helped with the German infiltration to the u s.
Judith Murante
Post # 234 07-28-2020 | 09:29 |
The Captain was a good friend of my dad and family. We called him Uncle Bill. It was wonderful to see his photo and information on his ship.
Thank you. Judith |
Bill Truslow
1980-1989 Gravity rep NAVO Post # 233 07-22-2020 | 18:01 |
Made a lot of great friends on Hess, Bowditch, and Dutton
Enjoyed long tours on all three ships but the Dutton was my favorite Between Jan 1984 and Aug 1989 I spent more time on the Dutton than I did at home. Four months after the Dutton was retired I left NAVO. I sailed on the last voyage of both the Bowditch and Dutton Still hear from friends from all 3 ships. Feel free to share my email Comment: Bill's email is: |
John Livingstone
USNS Bowditch Post # 232 07-21-2020 | 22:46 |
Great site! It brings back many great memories. A big hello to all the people that I met on the journey! - John Livingstone
Chas mayfield
Ocunit 3 tags 23 hand Michelson 1968-1969 Post # 231 07-03-2020 | 16:32 |
Unit yeoman. Responsible for records. Streamed magnetometer with Bill Dutcher the photographer.
Francis Reller
Dutton / Dec. 70 - Feb 72 / US Navy Post # 230 06-16-2020 | 12:32 |
I joined Oceanographic Unit 2 while Dutton was in the shipyard (in dry dock) at Wallsend England. We stayed in a hotel at Whitley Bay until the ship was out of dry dock. A couple of my navy shipmates ended up marring local girls. We surveyed mostly in the north Atlantic and visited ports in England, Spain and Portugal. I left when Sutton went into Norfolk for the next ship yard. It was a very interesting tour of duty but since I had a wife and kids back home the separation was a strain.
David Thompson
N. Woodstock Post # 229 06-15-2020 | 09:03 |
On Bowditch in Malta Yard 1967 to 1968 in NJ. Thanks for updating and keeping this site going
Lynn F Morgan ETR 2
USNS Bowditch TAGS 21 Post # 228 06-14-2020 | 16:41 |
thanks for keeping the site alive
Thanks to Judith for the posting. She is referring to Captain Wilhem F. Bondeson, master of Michelson, Dutton and Bowditch at various times.(admin)