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James R. Benigni
SS Hibbing Victory
Post # 305
04-06-2024 | 09:41

I was aboard the USS Denebola AF 56, a converted VC2 Victory class ship (same as the TAGS) from 1967 to 1971. I was a Boilerman second class. I was also the oil king while I was on board ship. Our ship the USS Denebola AF 56 was based out of Norfolk VA. We made7 trips to the Mediterranean during my 4 yrs on board. I visited ports in Africa, Italy, France, Greece, Valletta Malta, Portugal Spain and Rotterdam Holland and 1 trip to Cuba. I also keep in touch with a lot of shipmates to this day . A great experience in my life.


Check out the Denebola at
TAGS veterans will instantly recognize the VC2 Victory Ship, formerly the SS Hibbing Victory. Thanks to James Benigni for sharing his experience, much the same as our own!
John Boyda CWO2 (USN-Ret)
Hess 1981-1982
Post # 304
03-24-2024 | 13:27

Served as EMO. Picked up the ship in Port Melbourne FL, went thru the ditch, up the West Coast, hit Hawaii, and Japan then transferred out. It was a very enjoyable tour.
Dave Holden
USNS Dutton Apr 67 to Apri 69
Post # 303
03-20-2024 | 12:29

For the last 55 years since I left the Dutton I always remember the great times. Met my wife in Belfast and we married in May of 69 after I got off. Have been back to Ireland many times. Our kids have more family there than here in Vermont. Picked up the Dutton in Belfast and left in Bremerhaven. Best 2 years in the Navy. Would love to catch up with some of my old ship mates and I can't believe that that photo of the 4 of us is still around. I will have to look for mine but it is probably on a slide since that was the big thing then, One of my best in ports was Christianson Norway and the train ride up to Oslo. It was beautiful along the river with the logs in one town getting ready to float down. Swansi was nice because of the train to London. I had never seen a city as clean as Bremerhaven. Spent my 21st in Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
Was the youngest when I checked aboard at 19 and can't remember where the Salty came from but I think it was some remark I made in NIC and Joe Sabo gave it to me my first week aboard. I spent my first 3 days out of Belfast sicker than a dog and decided this wouldn't do for another 30 days so carried a bucket the next day and was never sick again on the Dutton. Can't say the same for the salvage tug the Hoist. Was sick ever time it got rough. Any way I thank my son Justin, who is headed home to Omagh to visit his aunts and uncle next month for findiing this site. I would love to connect with any one who was aboard during my time. Salty Dave
Justin Holden
Post # 302
03-20-2024 | 09:31

My father Dave served aboard the Dutton, and I was shocked to find his picture on this site. He speaks fondly of his time on it and of those he served with. Thank you for your work on this.


Admin: Thanks for signing the guest log, Justin!! Ask your Dad to visit the site and sign the log book too!! He may find some ship mates in the guest log, I'll be glad to forward contact info.
Dennis Warren 2nd class ET
Dutton 1973 -1975, Bowditch 1976 - 1977
Post # 301
02-11-2024 | 14:33

Served on both the Dutton and Bowditch. Loved the life and travel and the many people I served with.
Christine (Chris) Headley
1964, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72. Mike, Bowditch, Mike
Post # 300
02-03-2024 | 23:52

Hello All, 03 February 2024

Closing in on 3 years in Phoenix. Had both knees replaced last year, left 01 June and right 03 August 2023. I've had to relearn how to walk correctly. Should have had this done 10 years ago.

Having my old 2000 Ford Intercepter cop car restored. Hope they get her finished before the end of this year. We've had her 24 years and decided to bring her back to her original glory. She never lost a chase, motorcycles included. Guess I was just crazy enough to win the chase.

Did have a great conversation with Fred Martin (Bunker Ramo Engineer) recently.

Miss our shipmates and the ships themselves. It was a great honor and privilege serving in the T-AGS program.

Wishing you all great health and happiness. God Bless You All.

Best Always
James Palermo Jr.
USNS H.H. Hess 1990 USN
Post # 299
01-30-2024 | 15:28

I had a great time on this ship. It was exciting in the North Atlantic and I will never forget it.
Warren W Rodie
Post # 298
01-29-2024 | 20:37

On board July (or August) 1987 to November 1988
Mike Fitch
Bowditch 1976 Ph 2c
Post # 297
01-29-2024 | 03:35

Served under LCDR Evans. I was the ship photographer and was aboard when Dr. Ballard was aboard.
Jeffrey Smith
Post # 296
01-24-2024 | 17:43

Was on the Dutton a couple of times. Most memorable embarked in Guam, inport in Diego Garcia, then Barbados & debarked in Jacksonville. Around the world in almost exactly 80 days!
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