Hola Shipmates, 28 May 2024
Since we honored the Michelson with a custom license plate we decided to honor the Bowditch with a plate of her own on our Dodge PU Truck. She now proudly wears a Navy Veteran plate with "TAGS21" commemorating her and all that served on her.
I probably wasn't clear when I commented "Only one in AZ". I meant we only have one plate here in Arizona, our vehicles only wear a rear plate. The front of our vehicles are clean. Texas insists on a front and rear plate. I refused to display a front plate on our Mustang and our Police interceptor. I was only stopped once and told the cop to look around, "No one" with a nice looking car puts an ugly plate on the front. He let me go w/o a citation.
Best Always
Chris Headley
Check out the Denebola at http://www.ussdenebola.org/TAGS veterans will instantly recognize the VC2 Victory Ship, formerly the SS Hibbing Victory. Thanks to James Benigni for sharing his experience, much the same as our own!