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Eric Conklin ET-3
USNS Bowditch/1983-1984
Post # 227
06-13-2020 | 23:58

Thank you for sending the invite. My tour on the Bowditch was awesome. wonderful experience and memories. I miss the Canary Islands the most.
Christine Headley
Michelson, Bowditch 64-72 USN, Gen Inst Sr Engineer
Post # 226
06-13-2020 | 18:30

Hi Folks, 13 June 2020

Thanks John for saving the site. Will get back with an update.

Frederick Burrows
Post # 225
06-13-2020 | 14:53

I joined the Bowditch in the US. Sailed to Norway, Ireland, Greece, Italy, and Japan. Left the ship for several months for Freiden Flexowriter School. Chiefs were after me to get my hair cut shorter.
Ray Fleming G.I. Rep.
Dutton 65 67 Michelson 67 70
Post # 224
06-12-2020 | 19:39

5 years and lots of good port calls.
Great job with site.
Hal Gross DSC USN Ret
H.H. HESS, 85-86, OCU-3
Post # 223
06-12-2020 | 17:13

Glad to see this site and TAGS continued, great job.
Don Skinner
Dutton 1962-63
Post # 222
06-04-2020 | 12:57

Living in Lindale Texas (Hideaway)
Thomas Naivar
USNS Bowditch/1963-65
Post # 221
06-02-2020 | 05:01

Best food , best shipmates and best years of my life!
Yokasuka Japan, Panama Canal, Brooklyn Navy yard and Belfast Ireland.
John Nickles
Post # 220
06-01-2020 | 17:11

Served as ET-3 from 2/71 to the Norfolk yard period in 72.
Bob Lord
Bowditch '72-'73 and Michelson '73-74
Post # 219
05-25-2020 | 20:37

Many thanks to John for continuing the TAGS legacy from Earl Adams' and Phil Brooks' site, and for enhancing it with lots and lots of cool new content. Much appreciated, John.
Gordon Powell
Michelson/1969-70/STG3, Bowditch/1970-71/STG2
Post # 218
05-19-2020 | 19:50

Long ago and far away :)
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