Dutton 1978-1980 Post # 53 05-02-2009 | 00:01 |
Have lots of great memories from my time gravitating on the Dutton! A west coast ship while I sailed with her. Japan, Hawaii, medivacs to Adak. A stormy Feb when we were hove to for most of the month. The time the Dutton went into drydock in Seatle and the blocks were set backwards and they had to abandon ship while in drydock! The time the tide went out so far in Seatle that we damages a sonar dome. Climbed Fugi in Japan...
Ron Walker, ETN2 USN
Dutton 1969 - 1971 Post # 52 04-29-2009 | 00:01 |
I had a great 2 years on the Dutton as a NAVAIDS ET. We got a couple of in-ports in at Belfast before the troubles got bad. I was one of the guys that married a Geordie lady from Whitley Bay as a result of the 70-71 Wallsend overhaul and the Rex Hotel stay. Baker Lee was responsible for a significant weight gain on my part - fresh bread and pies and conversation after the mid-watch.
Grafton Pauls MSTS
Dutton 1960 Post # 51 04-08-2009 | 00:01 |
hairy times with the Russians, but also with the newspaper at Bergen, Norway. We had a great baker aboard, who could make the best bread I have ever eaten, I served in the engineering department
Billings John ET1 SS USN
Bowditch 1978-1980 Post # 50 04-08-2009 | 00:01 |
Enjoyed the time on the "Ditch". Pictures brought back some old memories. I heard the Bowditch is mothballed about 100 miles from me in Beaumont, TX
Will try to dig up some old pictures. Would like to hear from some of the people I served with. John |
Bill Gumert Geophysicist
Bowditch 1962 Dutton 1961 Michelson 1963 1966 Post # 49 04-02-2009 | 00:01 |
I was working with the gravity meter on all of these cruises. From the Arctic circle to the Med around Sicily and all around the Pacific in the USS Archerfish with a cruise on the Michelson from Yokosuka.
Kevin Morgan ET2 USN
Bowditch 1980-81 Post # 48 04-01-2009 | 00:01 |
On board from 1980 to 81. Ocunit One. Electronics technician, first in Nav, later in Comms. Great crew and ship. Hey Rusty McIntyre, email me, I want to talk with you---Kevin
Robert "Garry" Anderson ETN
Dutton 1974 Post # 47 03-31-2009 | 00:01 |
I have great memories of my time aboard the Dutton. My favorite was Bergan, Norway. Was also onboard when we lost the main propeller gear and had to get towed into Brooklyn,NY
Barry Bethel Bunker Ramo
Bowditch 1972-1980 Post # 46 03-29-2009 | 00:01 |
Also worked out of the Sperry office in Long Island during these years. Best time of my life in many respects.
Charlse Beard Levino Shpg.
Bowditch 1986-87 Post # 45 02-14-2009 | 00:01 |
Chief Steward aboard Bowditch from Christmas '86-Mardi Gras '87! Aboard when holed by Italian MV(RO-RO) "Po" in Rio harbor. Navy spaces flooded & we almost lost her. Returned stateside and retired her in N.O. Capt.K Webb was Master,C Brown 1st.Mate.,J Baruchy, Bosun. Tough trip,dead in the water off of Cuba, buzzed by a "Bear". If "Little John" Barett(3rd Mate) is around he may have a photo of what the bosun tho't of Russians!I remember HMC Hunt at the Placa Moa on New Years eve'86!!! A good ship;some great shipmates.
Jim "Burd" Harris USN
Bowditch 1971-1972 Post # 44 02-14-2009 | 00:01 |
This is awesome! I am delighted to find this site, and oh how the memories come flooding back. I have always treasured the time I spent on the Bowditch... the "unreal" Navy. I'd love to hear from Bob Lord, and others. I was sorry to learn of Jinks death, what of Chris?