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Dick Seiden Sperry Gyroscop
Bowditch 12,61 -5, 63 Dutton 12, 61 -3,62 Michelson 12, 1972 -2,1973
Post # 37
11-02-2008 | 00:01

Picked up Bowditch Dec 61 at Caven's Point NJ. Worked overhaul of Bowditch and Dutton NAVDAC Mk I SNs 3 & 4 at Maryland Drydock and Shipbuilding, Brooklyn (Baltimore)MD Sailed to Norway March 1962, Belfast Ireland in July and October, then Pireaus Greece and Naples Italy. Also did some troubleshooting of Bendix G3s on Bowditch.

Sailed on Bowditch for surveys of the Norwegan Sea and North Atlantic, and then the Mediteranian Sea.

Picked up Dutton in Malaga, left in Barcelona. This was some time after we lost use of the Loran C Master at Wheelus Airforce Base in Libia. Worked on Loran for calibration of the Mediterian Net.

Sailed on Michaelson out of Yokuska Japan on special LORAN C ops (SPERRY WPN 3). Left Michaelson at Hakodati Japan
Bowditch 1966-1972 Dutton 1966-1972
Post # 36
10-24-2008 | 00:01

Made several voyages on TAGS-21 and 22 between 1966 and 1972 as an OSP team member.
Bowditch 1969-1972 Dutton 1969-1972 Michelson 1969
Post # 35
10-24-2008 | 00:01

Served on all three ships as a member of the OSP team.
Don Parker NAVOCEANO, Gravi
Bowditch 1962-1965
Post # 34
10-23-2008 | 00:01

Dutton 1975-1987
Post # 33
10-22-2008 | 00:01

I have a large list of sailing dates and civilian personel for most of the TAGS. Source, Jimmy Johnston, Pauline, and others. This is probabley the most comprehensive list through about 1995 available.
also served OSP abourd Wyman & Hess
Bowditch 1976-1978 Dutton 1975-1978
Post # 32
10-21-2008 | 00:01

First time I ever flew, first time I ever traveled out of the US, first time I ever sailed on a ship, and only woman on board: October 1975 in St. John's, Newfoundland, to meet the Dutton. I was very nervous and I so proud when one of the Navy guys said, "How long have you been going to sea?" It wasn't until later that I must have appeared green as grass. Must have done something right. Rode ships for NAVO for 17 years.
David Royer ETSN-3-2-C USN
Bowditch 11-1960, 5-1961,1964-65,1969-1970 Dutton 5-1961,12-1961
Post # 31
10-11-2008 | 00:01

I served on board with Chief Love ETC and HMC Doc Wichendahl ETRSN Larry Murrish 60-61, we were the Bendix G-15d maint. crew. Before or as I made ETR3 I was transferred to the Dutton. We had another ETC who was short and fat and always smiled. Pappy Foiles was an ET1 on board. Alexander Orr was ETNSN had been aboard in 1959-1961 at least. I do not remember others during that stay.
Dutton had John Casebolt ET1, ET1 Donald J. Bittner, ET2-1 Herbert J. Bevington Jr., John Regan ET1, Dad Doane ET1 died of heart failure at age 44, he was removed from the ship in BODO Norway. I worked on the Bendix and the Magnetometer. Captain T.J. Snik was MSTS master of the ship and the best Ship handler I have ever seen.
Bowditch 1964-5 Merrill Francis Stone ET2, David Gross was one of our photogs, During these years we had Capt. Blythe MSC.
1968-9 XO was Joseph Slobodny, SK1 William Henry Jones, PN1 Dale Harry Young, Bill Keenan was a MSC crew intermittantly, he was from Belfast and he would be onboard for short periods as MSC did not want local hires working the ship.
ET2 Larkin was one of my gang, HMC Doc Viterali, ET1-C Michael J. Emily

Since I made ETR3 and ET1 while onboard Ocean Det-Unit I went from e3-e7 on board.
We were very topheavy in the enlisted ratings in 1960 I think we had 6-7 Chiefs, in 1969 I was the only Chief, until Emily passed the test.
Brian Jones ETR 2 USN
Bowditch 1971-1975
Post # 30
10-08-2008 | 00:01

Great times, great friends
Marinus Ligtermoet CWO2 USN
Dutton 1981-1982
Post # 29
09-30-2008 | 00:01

Very interesting first tour as a CWO.
Timothy Potter ET3-2
Bowditch 1981-1983
Post # 28
09-06-2008 | 00:01

Chuck Stalnaker trainer me before he left the ship. I had a great time and loved the ports, shipyards periods and the whole crew. Still in touch with Ashburn. Any one heard from Buffy Coffelt?
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