Paul Brackett USN
H. H. Hess 81 - 82 Post # 103 02-22-2011 | 00:01 |
Some of the best years of my career where spent on the Hess. I'd welcome hearing from former shipmates.
Wayne "Rick" Hollis USN
Dutton 1964-1966 Post # 102 02-22-2011 | 00:01 |
I served aboard the Dutton for over two years. I had the pleasure of serving with some fine men. If I had it to over, I would choose the very same crew.
Bruce Archer, RM1
Dutton 1972, 1973 Post # 101 02-18-2011 | 00:01 |
I spent a year on the USNS Dutton and met some fine people. With the help of the ET's I installed the first SSB transmitter and on-line crypto system. Great tour. I retired from the USN with 30 yrs active on 1 April 1992. Would love to hear from some shipmates.
S Glenn Krochmal
Dutton 1964-1966 Post # 100 02-17-2011 | 00:01 |
Married an Irish girl in Belfast. Had 5 kids and got divorced. Rotten marriage. Got off the Dutton in Palamaris Spain whilst the hunt for the missing H-bomb was still underway. Anyone heard from Frank Martin or Bogdanoff?
Tracey McFarlane Simmons
Dutton 1988 Merchant Marine Purser Post # 99 02-17-2011 | 00:01 |
Boarded the Dutton in Abijan Africa, sailed six months in the South Atlantic with stops in Rio, Recife, Curacao(a month there) and back to Abijan. What a ride!!! Hope to hear from others from the Merchant Marine or Navy.
David Thompson USN
Bowditch 1968 Post # 98 02-13-2011 | 00:01 |
I came aboard in Malta and transfered off in NJ. Glad that I stumbled across the site.
Patrick J Baur ET2 USN
Dutton 1964 - 1966 Post # 97 01-24-2011 | 00:01 |
I was contacted by Jim Bitter. A blast from the past. He referred me to this site. Just a lot of good memories. Now I have to look for photos.
David Royer ETC USN
Bowditch 1960-1961,1964-5,1968-9 Dutton 1961-1961 Post # 96 01-15-2011 | 00:01 |
For anyone interested in Bergen Norway, there are lots of web cameras placed on the Bergen Newspaper site, BT.NO and also on the BA.NO. doing a search for Torgallmenningen will bring you to the site with a video camera of the mall area and you can check.
Patrick Duggan ET1SS USN
Bowditch 86 Dutton 83 - 84 86 - 88 H. H. Hess 10 83 - 11 83 Post # 95 12-29-2010 | 00:01 |
Missed the Dutton in Yokosuka but rode the Hess to Guam to crossdeck. Served as Nav LPO until Oct 84 New Orleans. Returned to Dutton as GI Tech Rep from 7-86 Guam to 3 88 Ivory Coast. Anyone remember Barnies Beach Hut in Guam? Moose McGilcuddys and the Monkey Bar in Hono. In Rio when Bowditch almost sunk...what a mess. The poker game every night underway in Supply - many thanks to Gary E. Ahh, who can forget hitting golf balls underway up on O-4. Me, Gordo, Manning, and others on the bow when we ran aground in Curacao. Transit through the canal, twice - slept through the first on. Any idea where Bill Truslow (Gravity), Megan Hughes (Gravity?), Gary Esposto SK1, Johnny Pence ET1(SS), and Sir Ed Gauthier are these days?
Frank Hughes MSC
Dutton 1972-1973 Post # 94 12-22-2010 | 00:01 |
I sailed as AB for about a year and spent the time with some great guys. Especially Leroy Everett, the baker. What a character! I was lucky to have known them all.