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ETCS Frank McCafferty USN
Dutton 1973-1974
Post # 133
10-17-2012 | 00:01

Best tour was by far the 18 months spent on the Dutton. Submarine duty followed...another story altogether. Rockie, you posted great pics of the crew (PS. thanks for letting me read your Star Trek series those first couple of cruises). Showed my wife (Geri) this site and pics...she remembered Ron, Horse, Wild Bill, Steve, Dave, Crunch. Hoppy, and a bunch of the others. She just looked at me an said I have certainly changed...the mind still works though... great memories of Southampton, Naples, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Bergen, and even Brooklyn.
Woodell, Bobby E., USN Ret
Dutton 83-84
Post # 132
09-15-2012 | 00:01

Very pleased and surprised to find that picture of ocunit 2 in 1983. Must've been during my 2nd or 3rd survop. Remember the "hump day" practical jokes. One addition to the roster: RM3 Phil Botsford served with Ocunit 2 from 1983 to 1984
ET2 Bob Littlejohn OCU 3
H. H. Hess 1980-1981
Post # 131
08-24-2012 | 00:01

I reported aboard Hess from a tug in Tokyo Bay and was told by the YN1 that I was on the books as UA. Actually, the Navy airline ticketing office (was their acronym FIASCO?) sent me to LAX for a non-existent flight to Tokyo. Three weeks later I met the ship when it did a humevac or something mid-patrol.

Fun, fun times on the Hess! Loved basketball and carrying a sleeping Jeff Bricker on a lounge chair up to the fantail from the movie theater.

I stayed in the Navy for a while and then Navy Reserve and eventually retired as a Commander in 1998.
Will C. Cowan Jr IC2
Dutton 1959-1961
Post # 130
06-20-2012 | 00:01

Great memories of a fine ship and special shipmates. Picked up the ship in the Med. and left it in Norway. Made order of the Blue Nose aboard. Anyone remember Ogar Mung? I retired on 20 yrs as ICC. Later as a systems engineer, I worked with Don DeMelo (tech rep) who was aboard the Dutton a few years after I was. A nice guy who recently passed. Thanks to all who put this site together.
David Royer ETRSN USN
Bowditch 1960-1961,1964-1965, 1969-1970
Post # 129
06-15-2012 | 00:01

The photo of the USNS Bowditch in Trondheim, Norway was probably taken in January or February of 1961, I know that we had an inport period about that time. We were hosted by the Norwegian Navy while there. I went to the cross country ski meet. B O R I N G !!! I had a wonderful cup of coffee in the lodge that was purchased for me by an older Gentleman, I had slid on some ice and bumped him, I excused myself in the language, and he replied in English "It is not a Problem!" About 6 months late while serving in OC DET 2 I asked my girlfriend who the old gentleman in a poster was, and she replied, that is our king. So King Olav bought ME a cup of coffee.
J. Mark Null
H. H. Hess 1988 NAVOCEANO
Post # 128
06-03-2012 | 00:01

Served on OCUNIT 4 onboard USNS CHAUVENET (TAGS-29)from Dec 1988-Dec 1989. How can we get OCUNIT 4 and 5 added to this site? Thank you for all of the great contributions!
RDML John Chubb USN
Bowditch 1975-1976
Post # 127
06-01-2012 | 00:01

Wonderful site. Let's all keep conributing.
David Royer ETRSN
Bowditch 1960-1961,1964-1965, 1969-1970 Dutton 1961-1961
Post # 126
05-27-2012 | 00:01

In the 1960-1961 era the loran-c receivers were airborne but in SCC, they were powered by 400 hertz power. They were compact for airborne use and modified to work on the ships. Yet they required the power to simulate the aircraft. Ron Tyson worked on these beasts along with a Sperry tech rep. my first tour was split between the Bowditch and Dutton. I served 3 tours on the Bowditch.
SK1 Donald Cooley
Dutton 1979 - 1980
Post # 125
05-15-2012 | 00:01

Lotsa great sea time - from California to Yokohama, to Pearl (lotsa Pearl in that short year), to Adak, the Bering Straits. We found a new Island, lost a lot of maggi's. Bunch of Great People - CMDR Rowney (Rest in Peace Sir), Woody, CMDR McCallister, Gus, Rocky, Pat, Bruce, Mike, Nancy, Stephanie, Big Bill and a bunch more. A lot of fond memories - Fair Winds and Following Seas!
RM1-RMC Bruce Archer
Dutton 2 , 1979-1980
Post # 124
05-12-2012 | 00:01

Far and away, the best time (1979-1980) I had, during my 9 plus years in the Nav.
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