PHC Dennis H. Kyne USN Ret
Dutton 1977-1978 Post # 123 03-24-2012 | 00:01 |
I Was a PH2 on board Dutton. Met some great people, we did spend a lot of time at sea.
DS2 Gordon Foster USN
Dutton 1986-1988 Post # 122 11-13-2011 | 00:01 |
I spent 16 months on the Dutton. I picked it up in Rio De Janeiro in October of 1986. Rio was a fantastic place! We were in port with the Bowditch when it sank in the harbor. I was stuck in Rio harbor on tender go around in circles during the squall that hit the Bowditch that day. After Rio we hit Curacao for a paint job. That is the picture provided by Ed Alford after the paint job. I have a picture of the ship before the paint job as well. We also ran aground the night we pulled into Curacao but no significant damage!
After Curacao we pulled into Barbados where we picked up plenty of Cockspur rum. It was then onto New Orleans where the Bowditch was towed and we scavenge what we could in the way of gym equipment off the ship. We then took the Panama canal to San Diego and I believe Lt. Sampson has a videotape of the passage that was quite memorable. After working the Pacific between California and Hawaii for two months we pulled in to Pearl Harbor for a week (it was typically 28 days at sea and 7 days in port). We then found out that we were going back to the atlantic and stop in Guam which allowed for some nice diving. It was then a 3 day stop in Diego Garcia which surprisingly I enjoyed more than I thought I would. A wicked couple of days around the Cape of Good Hope where we were restricted from going out on deck due to the roughest seas I experienced during my time on the Dutton. We then pulled back into Bridgetown, Barbados to complete our circumnavigation of the world during 1987! After stopping in Barbados we went on to Jacksonville Florida where my tour and Navy career ended. My time on the Dutton was one of the best times of my life! |
Michael F. Vitt MSC
Bowditch 1976 Post # 121 11-02-2011 | 00:01 |
Sailed as ordinary seaman May-Aug 1976 on the 4-8 watch. I remember the Bicentennial on July 4. Good times in Las Palmas and Southampton! First Officer Clinton H. Harriman was a real seadog. He passed away a few years ago in Portland, ME. My watch partner "Red" Brownell, where are you today?
David Royer ETSN-ETC
Bowditch 1960-1961,1964-1965, 1968-1969 Dutton 1961-1961 Post # 120 10-19-2011 | 00:01 |
not a thing happening here, not even a word. I served two and a half tours on the Bowditch and half a tour on the Dutton. The Carpenter I think his name was John, a big guy with a wonderful demeanor built a cruise box that I was able to return all my purchases to the USA when I ended my third tour in Copenhagen.
He was always available to help us too, I went up to the Hotel Neptune in Bergen Norway in 1969 and got a bottle of whiskey from him on a Sunday. |
DS3 N. Colon USN
Dutton 1988 1989 Post # 119 09-30-2011 | 00:01 |
Great Memories! tysm for creating this site, added to my favs..:)
Larry Turner IC3
Dutton 1970 - 1971 Post # 118 08-26-2011 | 00:01 |
Best memories while in service. Had a great time.
Bowditch 1970-1971 Post # 117 08-07-2011 | 00:01 |
Great tour as EMO with COs Vernon Van Brackle and HD Bulldog Sturr. Made great friend with Third Mate Jimmy Deegan. John Ostensen was Master during my tour. Most names escape me but I do remember some: ETC Mike Emily, HMC LaBonte, ETC Sam Bates, IC1 Tony Maria, RM1 Pennington, SK1 Fuselier, TechReps Barone, Daryl Hoblack, and Kevin Bowen. Sam Bates later served with me as an E8 aboard the Inchon and as an E9 at the ET School in Norfork. These were the best bunch of guys I ever had the pleasure of serving with-bar none.
Andrew c Floyd USN
Bowditch 1976-78 Post # 116 07-28-2011 | 00:01 |
Anybody know where I can get another patch ? I realize this is now older than dirt but if anyone has one or knows of one available, I would be in debt to you hack them.
Thanks. Radioman petty officer 3rd Class USN Oceanographic Unit One, USNS Bowditch, TAGS-21... |
Allan F. Green III MSC
Bowditch 01 Post # 115 07-24-2011 | 00:01 |
What a great site!
I am the grand-son of former Bowditch Master Allan F. Green who temporarily served on the Bowditch in 1976 while his "regular" ship U.S.N.S. Norwalk was being repaired. I found this site while doing some historical research with my son, Allan F. Green IV. We were both very excited to find him on the roster and in the "Spittoon", especially since I did not know he served on the Bowditch. The only evidence I have was a telegraph sent by my grandfather on July 4th, 1976 for my sixth birthday, which is on July 7th. As stated in the "Spittoon", he did transfer back to the Norwalk and then retired a few years later. I have proud to say I was with him on his final voyage between the Charleston Naval Shipyard and the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. His "Military Sealift Command" paper-weight sits on my desk today... Thanks again for the great site! Allan F. Green III |
ET1 Frank D. Robinson USN
Bowditch 1960-1963 Post # 114 06-29-2011 | 00:01 |