USNS Dutton TAGS-22
Oceanographic Detachment/Unit Two

About the Ship

USNS Dutton T-AGS-22 was converted from the WWII Victory ship SS Tuskegee Victory

Dutton Portraits

Crew Portraits

Group pbotos of Navy and civilian personnel aboard Dutton 1962-83.

Crew Rosters

  • Combined TAGS Ship Rosters

  • The Commanding Officers and NAVOCEANO Senior Scientists, 1958-1989

Early Operations

Survey ships Bowditch and Dutton were involved in the evaluation of the prototype radio navigation system that would become Loran-C.

Significant Events

  • AGI Vertikal Incident

  • Palomares Incident

Ship's Newspapers and Cruise Books

Newspapers and Cruise Books Produced Aboard Ship from 1962-83

Dutton at Sea Video

Dutton at Sea as Seen from Bowditch
Video by Roger Gilfert

Ship's Documents

  • Commanding Officer's Letter, November 1966

  • USNS Dutton Information Booklet

  • Dutton General Information 1969

  • OcUNIT 2 Change of Command Booklet, September 4, 1979

  • Shellback Summons, June 10, 1985

  • Dutton Deactivation Ceremony Booklet, September 12, 1989

Ship's Movements

Dutton steamed 2,471,758 survey miles from activation in 1958 to going out of service in 1989.

Here you can follow Dutton's round the world travels and ports of call.

Newspaper Articles

  • Sealift Magazine 1962, 1964

  • Shipmate Obituaries

  • Naval Oceanographic Office Bulletins from 1982 and 1985

  • Dutton's Round-the_World Voyage in Naval Oceanographic Office Bulletin, January/February 1988

Final Fate

Dutton was taken out of service in 1989. Contract award by US Maritime Administration in September 2007 to All Star Metals Inc. for scrapping in Brownsville, Texas with ship fully dismantled on June 5, 2008

  • Visit to Dutton at All Star Metals in Brownsville by Chet Headley, October 2007

  • Dutton Retirement Ceremony

  • Aerial Photos at Beaumont, Texas Reserve Fleet

TAGS Ship Website Home Page