Dave Gross

Dave Gross served aboard USNS Bowditch in 1965-66 as a Navy PH2. He was the photographer for Oceanographic Detachment One.

Bowditch Photos and Photo Albums 1965-66
The Journey Begins

I stopped to visit my family after leaving the Philadelphia Naval Base, on my way to check in at the Brooklyn Army Terminal for duty aboard USNS Bowditch. My girlfriend dropped me at Kennedy International Airport for my flight to Belfast, after Bowditch's home port figured out when and where the ship was docking. As it turned out they didn't get it quite right! I arrived in Belfast with $1.47 to my name only to find no ship waiting for me and no one who knew when she would dock. I asked John Dunstan, the owner of a local Pub in Belfast, for short term job in order to survive until the Bowditch arrived. John wouldn't hear of it! He treated me like family until the Michelson arrived. Bowditch did not arrive for two weeks. I laughed out loud!

Dave and Friend

My girlfriend dropped me at Kennedy International Airport for my flight to Belfast. This after Bowditch's home port figured out when and where the ship was docking.

Cass and the Tempest

I stopped to visit my family after leaving the Philadelphia Naval Base, on my way to check in at the Brooklyn Army Terminal for duty aboard USNS Bowditch.

(This is 1965 at it's finest! A Pontiac Tempest and a pretty girl.)

John Dunstan and Family

Belfast, Northern Ireland

John Dunstan's Pub

John Dunstan's Pub

PH3 Dave Gross

Safely aboard my new home. The official OcDet One Bulletin Board photo.

The Old Gray Mare: USNS Bowditch

The Star Tracker domes are gone, but there is no BRN-3 antenna mast.

Photo Albums: Aboard Bowditch at Sea

Life at Sea

Working at Sea

Recreation at Sea

Photo Albums: Bowditch in Port







The Journey Ends


The ship pulled into Lisbon for a one day inport to drop me off to fly home. I had 30 days leave upon return to the states but ended up in Lisbon attached to the US Air Force at the US Embassy due to the commercial airline strike (although they had no housing). I was there for about a week and a half where my'gal' from the last two inports put me up until the airline strike was over. She took me to resorts in the daytime and gave me a place to stay at night. She was a sweetheart and I owed her big time.

Back in USA

Leave is over. I'm heading out to report in at my new duty station, the US Naval Photographic Center in DC.

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