Dave Gross
Working at Sea

Man Overboard Drill

An MSTS creman mans the No.2 Lifeboat, with a boathook to fish out the victim and a Navy stretcher to haul him aboard.

Ocean Stations

Hooking a Nansen bottle to the wire. We used these to collect seawater samples. Numerous bottles were attached to the cable at different lengths to obtain samples of temperature and pressure at different depths.

Ocean Stations

Hooking a Nansen bottle to the wire.

Transponder Launch

A transponder being assembled on the cover of No. 4 hold. The crewman is working on the battery pack. LT David Crestin and LCDR V. L. Harris standing on the left. The rest are unidentified.

Transponder Launch

The cargo booms are being attached to the transponder assembly. Just visible on the right is the flasher, a small (12" diameter) glass globe which contains a strobe light. The light is used to recover the transponder about 7 days later. Unknown signaling, SN Hal Burnett holding lower yellow line, STG2 Chet Headley, ET1 Charlie H. King, unknown holding upper line.

Transponder Launch

The MSTS Bosun's Mate - 'Boats' - one of the toughest, coolest old codgers you’ll ever meet! He's operating the cargo booms to raise the transponder assembly and lower it over the port side.

Transponder Launch

ET3 John Valade holding onto the orange floatation tank, ET1 Charlie King giving hand signals, SN Hal Burnett holding the line on the right to stabilize the assembly.

Transponder Launch

And over the side and down it goes.

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