Sasebo Shipyard
Michelson in dry dock, c. Jun-Jul 1970.
Michelson in dry dock, c. Jun-Jul 1970.
Michelson in dry dock, seen through a pedestrian railing from a moving car.
That's me on the left, wearing my Navy NF glasses--my wire-rimmed frames were broken and I had not been able to get them replaced. IC2 Heaton is on my left, then RM1 Craft, then our EMO, CWO2 Clayborn "Sam" Winfrey (thanks to Don Patane for his name). I believe this bar was on a small hill overlooking the Michelson in drydock, which is why the other guys are in uniform, unusual for us off the ship. Sam Winfrey is wearing his trademark olive drab jump suit! I learned to play GO with the owner, and still have the GO set and book that I bought in Sasebo.
Cris Hum stands a security watch. Note the .45, sans clip. That was common in those days, even for the Marines. The clip pouch also contains empty clips. No one ever explained why we had to wear the damned thjings. That's because no one knew. The Chief hides behind an issue of "Stars and Stripes". The headline reads " Israeli Armor Smashes Across Syrian Border". Probably an incident toward the end of the so-called "War of Attrition".
Why does a Japanese waterfront bar have a Mexican shotgun wedding theme? Who knows?
Another pretty Japanese lady.