Earl Adams
Contemporary Photos

Earl Adams

About 1989, in my Analytical Cytology lab at The Upjohn Company in Kalamazoo, MI. On my left, a DEC VAXStation II GPX computer, hot stuff at the time!

Earl Adams

My Analytical Cytology lab. A FACStar-Plus Cell Sorter.

Earl Adams

My Analytical Cytology lab office.

Earl and Cat

On vacation at a friend's home in Chapel Hill, NC, about 1989. Her cat. We were great friends.

Earl on Vacation

On vacation at a friend's home in Chapel Hill, NC, about 1989. Kite string is really complicated. On the deck of a rented house on one of the barrier islands.

Earl on Vacation

On vacation at a friend's home in Chapel Hill, NC, about 1989. We rented a house on one of the barrier islands, played Gorilla Golf and ate seafood.

Earl and Friend

Visiting a friend in Indianapolis.

At Work

About 2001. Second from the right in the green shirt. With colleagues in Genomics Research, The Pharmacia Co. (once Upjon). I think we were the Genomics unit, names changed so often we hardly cared what we were called.

At Work

About 2000, with colleagues in the DNA Sequencing Core Laboratory (DSCL). Left to right, seated: Kathleen, Earl; Center: Mea; Standing: Christopher, Roger, Jerry.

At Work

About 2003, with colleagues in the DNA Sequencing Core Laboratory (DSCL). Left to right: Earl, Leanne, Kathleen, Roger, Mea, Jerry. Really, really good people.

At Work

About 2003. At lunch with colleagues from the DNA Sequencing Core Laboratory. Left to right: Earl, Jerry, Mea, Leanne, Roger, Kathleen (with son Kai still in utero).

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