Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Coming in to Valletta

Earl, Car and Bowditch
While in the yards, and the ship was in cold iron, we rented apartments and moved ashore. Me, Fat Cat and MacCourt shared an apartment, a car, and a motor scooter. Here I am with our Ford Anglia. 1967 was the last year of production and they are now classic cars (with Clubs!).

Fat Cat with Our Anglia
Full name (nickname at least) was "Fat Cat the Ensign Smasher". This is one of my best sea stories--I'll tell it on another page!

Car Rentals
The guy who rented, and delivered, the Anglias.

In Drydock
Someone else's Anglia parked on the floor of the drydock, at the bottom of the gangway. It is a LONG way down.

Fat Cat and Friend
In the Living Room of our apartment.

Apartment in Valletta

Looking Into the Kitchen

Our Stereo
Set up on a furniture thing.

A TV ?
I'd forgotten we had one! I don't think we ever turned it on.

Malta Girl
A very nice local girl, who I dated for the entire two months in the yards. I would drive to her home to pick her up, in coat and tie of course (and SOBER!!). Her father would invite me in to the sitting room, where we would talk briefly. Then her mother would come in, and all three of us would talk. Then my friend would make and entrance, and we would all four have a nice chat, with tea. By now about 30 min-1 hour have passed, depending on how talkative each of us has been, and we leave to begin our date, usually a nearby restaurant then a Caberet. After 4 or 5 dates I got a very nice kiss on the cheek at the end of the evening. It never went much further than that! I actually enjoyed that experience a lot! AND I CAN'T REMEMBER HER NAME!!

Malta Girl
Not that Malta Girl No. 1 was my only companionship. This was Malta Girl No. 2, who shared my time. My experience with her was somewhat more "normal" for a sailor.

Party Time
Guests arriving. A party at a local "Disco-Lounge Bar-Lunch Counter-Bowling Alley". Uh huh. And we did have fun!

Party Time


Party Time

Fat Cat Shakes it Loose

Ray Shunk at Right
Ray shows up again three years later in Sasebo, as a GI (General Instruments) tech. rep., with the same smile, working in sonar! Jim Lester ("Fat Cat"), seated on the left.




LCDR Ramstead
And crew, mostly tech reps I think.

Bill Sugg and Lady

Carrol "Frog" King
And lady friend from Belfast. Frog shows up again on Bowditch in 1971 as a GI tech rep

Bayne and Lady Friend from Belfast


ETC John Grewe
On the left (with eyes closed!).


Maltese Mystery Lady
This lady shows up again and again in my photos. I don't know who she is.

Maltese Mystery Lady
See the sign above her head? It says: Malta Bowling Center Hamburgers 1/5 (That's 1 shilling and 5 pence, which at the time I think was about $0.27). Hot Dogs 1/5 Sandwiches 1/6 Coffee 1/-

Bowditch in Shipyard







