Phil Brooks
Miscellaneous Photos of Life at Sea and Ashore

Getting Ready for an Admiral's Inspection!!

Dave Hinkal and Cecil (Last Name?)

Grady Hart

I remember Grady, he was a pretty wild guy!!

Grady Hart

Scary pic of Grady!

Hey!! There's Earl again!!

(Earl Adams comments: The growth on my chin was supposed to be a beard, but it turned into a goatee because I had two bald spots on my jaw. The only time in my life I tried to grow a beard, and the result was pathetic! I'm surprised the wind didn't blow me overboard I was so skinny!)

Phil Brooks

Chowing down on that good Michelson grub. Actually, I think this was one of many "cookouts" we had. That's me, Phil Brooks, of course!

That's Me Again!

Phil Brooks

Me: Phil Brooks, somewhat intoxicated apparently. Steve Carlton in the middle, and our EMO on the right. Forgot his name!!

Michelson Motorcycle Mob

Left to right: Steve Carlton, Phil Brooks, Pat Ryan. When the Michelson was scheduled for the yards in Sasebo, we got Japanese motorcycle licenses, took a month's leave, and toured Japan for a month. We caught up with the ship in Sasebo.

Michelson Motorcycle Mob

Dang, we look like the three cheeseballs!!

Pat Ryan

We were at EXPO 70 somewhere in the middle of Japan, part of our month long motorcycle trip. Pat is a SERIOUS looking dude!!

In Drydock

Pat Ryan again... Michelson in the yards at Sasebo. Damn, that screw is big!!

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