Bluenose Certificate
This certificate was awarded by MSTS (Military Sea Transportation Service), the Navy's very own steamship company, to those venturing above 66ª 33' North, the Arctic Circle.
Sailors crossing the Arctic Circle become members of "The Order of the Bluenose" (a/k/a "Order of the Top of the World" or "Order of the Polar Bear") and are entitled to receive a certificate. There are several more of these unofficial nautical recognitions. known as cruise certificates, that can be awarded to sailors at memorable milestones during their wide ranging travels.
This certificate was awarded by MSTS (Military Sea Transportation Service), the Navy's very own steamship company, to those venturing above 66ª 33' North, the Arctic Circle.
Destroyer HMS Chaplet cruise certificate from 1961. It states: "Disobey Under Pain of my Royal Displeasure".
Another Arctic Circle cruise certificate, this one supposedly awarded aboard a fictional submarine.
Norway's Hurtigruten ships make daily six day voyages north from Bergen to Kirkenes carrying passengers, mail and freight, regularly crossing the
Arctic Circle. A crewmember portraying King Neptune supervises a crossing ceremony where passengers are doused with ice water. Those present
are awarded a colorful souvenir certificate like the one pictured above.
In June 2011 Hurtugruten vessel MS Nordnorge was featured in the 135 hour live NRK-2 TV broadcast of the ship's voyage up the Norwegian coast.
There seems to be a small number of publishers of these less than official titles and awards, serving a diminishing Navy with customized cruise memorabilia.
From 1980, for crossing the equator.
Another example of Shellback Certificate, WW II carrier USS Essex, from 1943.
For those crossing the international date line.
Awarded to those transiting the Panama Canal.
Another Panama Canal transit certificate.
Order of Magellan, for those who have circumnavigated te earth.
Issued to those who have passed the Rock of Gibraltar.
For those who have sailed between the Med and the Red Sea.
Knights of The Emperor Penguin have crossed the Antarctic Circle.
It appears that the elusive, perhaps fictional, sailor W. T. Hatch has been to the Persian Gulf.
For those sailors who have ventured into the darkness of the Black Sea.
Plank Owners are original crew members of a newly commissioned ship.