In February 1964 when Michelson emerged from the Brooklyn Navy Yard to begin sea trials it took on a new merchant marine operating crew. Most of them
were from Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) in San Francisco, since Michelson was scheduled to head there via Panama upon completion of its shake
down cruise.
This was not to be. The ship sailed as far as San Juan, Puerto Rico, where somebody decided that more extensive testing of the newly installed electronics
was needed before Michelson' could be deployed in the Pacific. Thus began the months of sea trials in the Bahamas while operating in and out of Florida ports
until September, when the ship finally left for San Francisco.
One of the new MSTS crew was newly minted third mate Jim Cozine, a graduate of the California Martime Academy. Recently, he sent along copies of his
Certificate of Sea Service, or "seaman's book", documenting his time aboard Michelson back in 1964. This kind of record is used for licensing purposes
and promotional advancement.