CMDR John Pfeiffer with ET1 Bob Reck
In 1981.
In 1981.
In 1981.
In October 1981.
Mark Bridges, Bridget Anderson and Bill Truslow. Oakland, December 23, 1981.
During my 7 years in North Carolina I learned first hand how to roast a pig.When the Hess docked in Pearl Harbor in July 1982, I checked the yellow pages and found a pig but had no place to roast. My buddy Bill Ross rented a cabin at Bellows Beach at the Air Force Base across the Pali Highway from Honolulu. Behind the cabin was a big fire pit. This picture taken at the pig roast shows ET2 Bill Ross, me, and RM3 Kevin Freemano.
In the Fall of 1982 several friends from the Hess visited my home in Pass Christian, MS. One evening we drove across the border for a night of drinking in New Orleans. This picture was taken at the piano bar at Pat O'Brians in the French Quarter. ET3 Roger Swanson, RM3 Kevin Freeman, Bill Truslow and ET2 Bill Ross.
When Bruce left the Hess he took his picture from the Ocunit photo board.
RM3 Kevin Freeman, Hydro Rep Mark Alonso and GI tech Bob Reck at Guam in 1982