Ron Smolenski (Sperry), Doc Wink, Barry Heaton, Cecil

Tech Reps
Ronald T. Gauvin (Bunker Ramo), Ron Smolenski (Sperry), Chet Headley (General Instruments).

Tech Reps
Bob (Sperry), Chet Headley (General Instruments).

Tech Reps
Bob (Sperry), Chet Headley (General Instruments).

Ron Smolenski (Sperry)

On Board
Ronald T. Gauvin (Bunker Ramo), George Damusis (Bunker Ramo), Vince Muldari (General Instruments), Nelson.

Ronald T. Gauvin (Bunker Ramo)

Shipmate Unidentified
I Believe this guy was an MSTS/MSC crewman, may have been the MSC radioman.

Shipmate Unidentified

Aboard Michelson
Note the shaggy hair, and the embridered custom ballcaps. The OcUnit crew musters.

Aboard Mivchelson
Note the short haircuts and OctDet3 on the Foul Weather Jacket. Left to right: John Smith, PH2 Harold Wasson, ?, ?, ?, Len Wall and Bruce Putnam.

On Deck
Bruce Putnam (far left), ?, ?, CD Green, Len Wall (far right).

Ray Shunk

Aboard Mivhelson
The crew is getting training on a submersible pump. Lugging the pump is HM1 Ronald L Williams.

On Deck
HM1 Ronald L Williams in the white shirt facing camera, ENS Edwin J.C. Sobey ,far right back to camera.

Leigh Winslow
In the pink jacket, HM1 Ronald L Williams, left, in the white shirt facing camera.

Muster on Deck
Note the long sideburns, common to Zumwalt's "relaxed grooming standards" of the early 70's.

HM1 Ronald L. Williams

The Bow

Aboard Michelson

Aboard Michelson

Unidentified Shipmate

Unidentified Shipmate

Ensign Edwin J.C. Sobey

Ensign Edwin J.C. Sobey

Ron Smolinski (Sperry)

Hank Mullaney (General Instruments)

Ronald T. Gauvin (Bunker-Ramo)

Tech Reps
Ronald T. Gauvin (Bunker-Ramo), George Damusis (Bunker- Ramo).

On Board Ship
Chet Headley (General Instruments), on the right, NAVOCEANO rep on the left.

Left to right: ?, Ripley, JD Powell, Warren McGee.

Aboard Ship
Hank Mullaney (General Instrument), Warren McGee, Henry Giardino (Sperry SINS).

On Board Ship
Chet Headley, 2nd from left, and NAVOCEANO reps

Sphaghetti Dinner
Chet Headley, stirring the pot, Ron Smolinski, George Damusis. May 1971.

Sphaghetti Dinner
The tech reps have a spaghetti dinner. Ron Smolinski takes a turn.

Sphaghetti Dinner
George Damusis, Ron Smolinski, right.

Sphaghetti Dinner
Ron Smolinski, Chet Headley, right.

The Steel Beach
Hanging out on No. 3 hatch cover.