Cliff Krouse on the left, and Earl Adams on the right.
Cliff Krouse on the left, and Earl Adams on the right.
Carrol "Frog" King with guitar, JD Powell at right of photo, on the left is the back of Ray Shunk's head.
Jim "Fat Cat" Lester, Ray Shunk (Navy), William “Ace” Hunter.
CW around the table: CD Green, ?, Putnam, Bill Green, Ray Shunk.
Ray Shunk, JD Powell. Probably playing Acey-Deucy, the Navy version of Backgammon. Notice the bookshelf filled with paperbacks-this was our library.
Lower left, seated on the No. 3 Hold cover, is JD Powell and Ray Shunk.
(Chet Headley comments: Note the heavy cable running along the inboard side of the
gunwale, just above the deck. This is a degaussing cable, installed on Victory ships for WWII wartime service and used to reduce the ship's magnetic signature as protection
against magnetic torpedoes and mines. On Michelson, this cable was removed during the March 1967 yard period.)
Aboard Bowditch.
Aboard Bowditch.
Aboard Bowditch.