Paul Rokoff
Aboard Dutton

Ocean Stations

Recovering the velocimeter. Jim Stuckart, his always laughing face (with glasses) is to the left of the guy in the red shirt. The fellow operating the winch might be John Kritch.

Officers on Deck

The XO, LCDR James Koehr, the OcUnit CO and the EMO on the right.

John Krych at Right

Who Are These Guys?

Who is This Guy?

Hanging Out on the Hatch Cover

Paul Rokoff on the right.

The MSTS Radio Officer

Nice guy. He gave me full access to the receivers so I could get the RTTY news.

The Master of the Dutton

On the bridge.

MSTS Watch Officer

And helmsman on the bridge.

NAVOCEANO Senior Scientist

Steve Gage

Dutton at Sea

Rainbow at Sea

After a Storm

Dutton's high tech life rafts get a drying out. These look much more effective than our old wooden life boats!

Cookout on Deck

Fitz and the XO.

Cookout on Deck

Wayne Miesner on the left.


On the Steel Beach

OcUnit Two's CO, 1974

More Steel Beach

The OcUnit Lounge

The OcUnit Lounge

Note the photo on the bulkhead of the New York City skyline. The World Trade Center is still under construction.

The OcUnit Lounge

Demonstrating the proper use of the lounge. Looks like new carpet and upholstery.

The Gym

The Gym

The Gym

Handball Court

In the forward part of the gym.

Movie Lounge and Library

Movie Lounge and Library

Movie Lounge and Library

Movie Lounge and Library

Motley Crew!

Motley Crew Identified

Enlisted Berthing Area Passageway

The starboard passageway in the OcUnit berthing spaces, 2nd deck, No.3 Hold. This is all Navy enlisted berthing. The red drapes are at the door of the Lounge (see the photos in this album). On the right is the door to the Security shack, where we stood security watches while in port. We could control access to the OcUnit berthing, recreation and work spaces from this point.

The Big Stateroom

The six-man Navy enlisted stateroom. This was my stateroom. The door is to the head.

Red Head

The red-painted head of the six-man Navy enlisted stateroom.

Going Ashore

"Give me liberty or give me leave!"

Jim Stuckart at Right

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