Joe and Joe in the IC Shop
Joe Herrington (left) lecturing me on how to operate a screwdriver.
Joe Nachazel was a Navy ET3 in OcDET3 aboard USNS Michelson during 1963-65.
I bunked over Doc Mottram in a stateroom shared with two others. Doc and I would buy lobsters when we could find them. He'd cook them in the autoclave
located in sick-bay. I'd bum some lemon butter from the mess-man. That lobster had an aroma that seeped out under the door to tantalize the crew but they
couldn't find out the origin. Interesting to note that the newsletter from January 1965 listed crewmembers departing for new assignments had me going to
the USS Breckinridge although I was assigned to the USS Benner (DD807). I put the training to good use graduating from San Diego State University using the
GI Bill and then working at University of California San Diego as Development Engineer until retirement in 1993. I still keep a hand in it.
Joe Herrington (left) lecturing me on how to operate a screwdriver.