Bob Lord
Michelson Crew in the Philippine Islands

A Jeepney

These started out as leftover WWII Jeeps that the locals decorated with just about every stick-on trinket available at the local Pep Boys. These things provided (and I understand still provide) transportation day and night throughout the islands.

Another Jeepney

Typical Rural Housing of the Time

Houses were built on stilts to deal with both snakes and the flooding common in the area. This is on the way to Manila from Subic Bay.

Two Caribou

The locals called these “caribou.” They were mainly used for cartage and tending to the fields.

Around Manila

Transport took lots of forms in those days.

Michelson in the Yards at Subic Bay

It easily earns its moniker “rusty bubble”.

In Drydock

The Roundy End

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