Bob Lord
Michelson Crew on Guam

Dave Fraker

Dave “Mad Dog” Fraker, our photog. He did me the ultimate favor when I left the ship of hooking me up with a nice family in Christchurch, New Zealand which had 4 charming daughters. One of them had been Miss New Zealand in the Miss Universe pageant, and Dave had been her photographer. I ended up passing thru Christchurch when I left the ship in 1974, and I made what was to become a life-long connection to that family.


Not sure who’s who here, but a great place to chillax.

More of the Crew


Ron Smolinski, our Sperry rep, and his local squeeze in Guam.

Ron and Friend

Ron was a man’s man, and he also had great luck with the ladies. Most of the rest of us weren’t so lucky. It was so difficult to find companionship on Guam, that we figured the name must stand for “Give Up And Masturbate”.

More of Bob Lord's Photos