In Yokosuka
Merle Fickett, Dick Kallan and Jan Black (Oceanographer) on a back street in Yokosuka.
(Chet Headley comments: During the time (1964-65) Merle was aboard the Michelson, we had agitator/wringer washing machines in the crew's laundry.
One morning Merle took his clothing to the laundry, placed it in the machines, got them started and came back to Sonar. The machines were manual so
they only did what you set them to do; they did not have timers. Around 2000 hours Merle suddenly remembered that he had left his clothing in the washers.
He hightailed it back to the laundry room only to find soapy water and a bunch of thread remaining in the tubs. His clothing had been agitated to total destruction.
Merle rode the Michelson for about six months; after he left, we did not hear from him again. He was a right nice guy.