On Deck
Charlie Beatty and Steve Gage in a game of "catch" on deck.
Charlie Beatty and Steve Gage in a game of "catch" on deck.
At the rail, observing a distant Pacific island.
Chet Headley comments: The Pacific island in the background is probably the island of Anatahan
in the Northern Mariana Island group, elevation 2,585 ft., located at 16.35 deg. N, 145.67 deg. E. It is a stratovolcano, currently uninhabited, although it
was probably inhabited when the picture was taken. Its first recorded eruption took place in May 2003, and the latest sometime in 2008; in recent years the
inhabitants were removed from this and some of the other Mariana Islands due to volcanic activity.
In foreground (L to R) enjoying nice weather above decks.
MSTS personnel doing lifeboat exercises.
MSTS personnel doing lifeboat exercises.
MSTS personnel doing lifeboat exercises. Jack Rath. First Officer, in the background, right of center, in khakis. In the lower right is Dick Kalan, a Sperry Rep.
Watching a rain squall on the horizon. Don Swan, Steve Gage and Fred Zinchenko (barely visible, leaning on the rail) and Bob Hicks in foreground (L to R).
Deck operations underway. First Officer Jack Rath (with beard, center frame) and Second Officer Paul Murray, on the right, supervising.
An island can be seen through the haze.
Navy crewman checking the AN/BRN-3 antenna aloft.
Dick KaIlan, Fred Zinchenko and LCDR Trotter (L to R) enjoying some sunshine. Couldn't identify the man in the rear center, face obscured, although he may be either the Navy Chief or Captain Landry, the ship's Master.
The welder is OCDET3 crewman ET2 Roger Pence.
Chet Headley comments:
Roger is repairing the rusty contraption that you see welded to the top of the gravity equipment.
Our OIC, LCDR Guy Trotter, was an All Navy pistol champion, an excellent marksman. The contraption was built by OCDET 3 crewman for target practice with the M1911A1
.45 ACP pistol. It had swing-out arms that held paper targets. We'd stand on the old gun mount wings atop the aft deckhouse (where the laundry was). Arms swung out
on both the port and starboard sides of the Gravity Winch. Since we couldn't shoot from a regulation distance of 50 feet we used scaled targets, which simulated that
distance. Roger was most likely repairing damage caused by heavy seas.
(Note: This device is misidentified. It is the long disused "OC Hoist", installed on Michelson but not on Bowditch and Dutton. - Admin 2/22)
Arlo Costin, ET3, relaxes in chair on the 02 Level. Below L to R, are LCDR Guy Trotter (barely visible), an unidentified crewman, Ben Gorman ET1, Doc Mottram HM1, and Dick Kallan.
Joe Fee (left) and LTJG Davis refereeing. The wrestlers are Smokey Stover PH1 on the left and Ben Gorman ET1.
The wrestler on the right is Smokey Stover PH1.
On deck, underway.
This is me up on the forecastle of the Mike. I think Dick Kallan took this one.
ET2 Tom Laurie attaching a Nansen bottle to the cable during ocean stations.
Dick Kallan (Sperry SINS) and LTJG Davis looking over Dick's new camera purchased at the Navy Exchange in Yokosuka. It may seem unusual for a sailor
to be walking about deck in a straw hat and low slung six-shooter--but not on the Michelson!
(Chet Headley comments: LTJG Davis was an Academy graduate whose father was a Navy Chaplain.)
ETR3 J. Miller and ETR3 Roger Towson.
ET1 Ben Gorman has the ball.
LCDR Trotter and Fred Zinchenko (Sperry Loran-C).
The big fellow is ET1 Nathan "Tiny" Blake.
Chief Oceanographer Don Swan getting a haircut from the Navy's self-appointed barber, ETR3 John Max.
This was taken around Christmas, 1964, in the passageway of Navy Enlisted berthing. John Birney - Sperry (left with beard), Fred Zinchenko - Sperry (holding beer), Dick Kallan - Sperry (far right with beard and face partially obscured), Arlo Costin ETN3 (blue shirt standing), Roger Pence ETN3 (top left).
That's Lou Klukocski from Sperry on the left, John Birney on the right, Dick Kallan, front center, Fred Zinchenko (Sperry, standing behind Dick Kallan) and Arlo Costin ETN3 (standing rear right).
Rescue operations for the sinking S.S. Grand in January 1965. Off the port rail, three of the men rescued by the Michelson can be seen in the water.
A closeup of three SS Grand survivors, covered with bunker oil and almost invisible in the sea.
S.S. Grand slipping beneath the waves after breaking apart in heavy seas during our rescue mission in January 1965. Another rescue ship stands by behind her.
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Michelson Significant Operations for more information.