Ace Hunter
With Michelson in drydock.
With Michelson in drydock.
Both with General Instruments.
LT James B. Lane, LTJG Peter L. Riebau and the CO, LCDR Bruce L. Prickett. Michelson's OcUnit Three officers.
Left to right: ?, Ben Radka, Bruce Putnam, Doc Hampton, Fred Launer, ?, and Jim Ward.
ETC Robert C. Warnecke, far right. Charles "Charlie" H. King, ET1, 2nd from right.
We were tough back in the old days. Ace Hunter on the left. The guy holding my feet is our storekeeper, Ezra Walser, from North Carolina. I worked with Ezra during my year on Michelson because my Top Secret security clearance had not come in! I was also in charge of "Special Services" that year and had to go somewhere on shore and pick up puzzles, crafts, games etc. for the month ! I had a little room about 10X10 somewhere but I can't remember much about it !
Ace Hunter, Leonard Wall, Jim Ward.