Michelson in dry dock in Yokosuka, Japan, c. March 1967.
Michelson in dry dock in Yokosuka, Japan, c. March 1967.
Jim Wood on drums, Roger Hessler on bass, and Ace Hunter.
The Navy Exchange was good to all of us! Ace Hunter, 1967.
Ace, standing in front of the watch shack, with window closed, on Michelson, 1967. The open door to the "hospital" is just visible on the right.
Enlisted mess.
William "Ace" Hunter, preparing to attack the Pacific Ocean with a Thompson, July 1967. LTJG Peter L. Riebau on the left.
(Chet Headley comments: On the right,
in shorts, is LCDR Mark Markley, CO of OcUnit Three at the time. Markley was also a Mustang. He went aboard as an LT, and was EMO and XO. During his tour he was promoted
to LCDR, so at that time Michelson had two LCDRs aboard, him and the CO, LCDR Pritchett. When Pritchett was transferred, Markley became CO for a few months until a
replacement reported aboard. (I do not know if Markley stayed or was transferred off.)
Curtis Neeley, Lincoln Haymaker, Ace Hunter, LCDR Pritchett (Co of OcUnit 3).
The Hisada YTM-518, in Yokosuka.
Kissed by Hisada YTM-518.
Steam whistle and antennas.
Ammunition storage and "Mike" boats.
A VW Bus-just the thing to hoist aboard a US Navy ship in the 60s!! The USS Jason AR-8.
Yokosuka 1967
Jim Ward looking at Toyota prototype in Tokoyo 1966.
What's this? One girl for 25 guys!!! Christmas in Japan. Ace is first row standing, fourth from right (in the black framed glasses). Behind and to the right is Jim Wood, and to the right is CD Green. The guy in the back row on the right, with glasses, is John Smith, our MSTS Steward. Standing on the far right is Fred Martin (Bunker-Ramo).
Lynn Wall (from Miami ?), with a Japanese lady.