Transponder Operations
JD Powell, Warren Magee and ETC Crewe.
JD Powell, Warren Magee and ETC Crewe.
CWO Thompson, our EMO. An AT-095AR Transponder is assembled and resting in a cradle on the cover of No. 4 Hold, awaiting launch. The CO, LCDR Prendergast, is just visible to the right of the transponder float.
Over the side with the port cargo crane. ETC Crewe on the left.
At the Texas Bar, Lisbon, Portugal, March 1968. Bill Goldrup, guitar, Ace Hunter on bass and Jim Lester on drum
Jim Lester, Ace Hunter, and Willie Green looking on.
Fender Strat, Fender Amp and Echocord PA.
Jim Lester on left, Bob Haehnle and Dave Frye.
Herb Monet and Hank Mullaney (General Instruments).
April 1968.
March 8, 1968. A U.S. Navy Lt. from the Underwater Sound Lab, New London, CT, and a Spanish Naval Officer observer come aboard. Our CO, LCDR Prendergast, in the middle. We will survey the Straits of Gibralter March 8-11.
Coming into Lisbon.