Taking a Natural Shower
Elton Fleming (GI), Charlie Pelletreau (Sperry), LTJG Pete Riebau.
Elton Fleming (GI), Charlie Pelletreau (Sperry), LTJG Pete Riebau.
This is the room I shared with Roger Hessler. Note the air-conditioner we installed atop the desk. The top left drawer was used to collect the condensate, which required dumping several times a day if I didn’t want the stuff in the drawers below to become waterlogged. The hot exhaust air was vented into the void above the ceiling via a hole we cut into it. If I remember correctly we paid $150.00 for the AC unit at the Navy Exchange. When we were operating in the South Pacific the coolest we could get the room was 85. The AC extracted most of the humidity so that it actually felt cold at 85. Sure beat the heck out of 120 degrees.
The Ship Is Sinking!! Or so everyone thought. The Master ordered the ballast tanks to be pumped out until the Chief Engineer figured out that it was a fresh water leak and not seawater. They shut down the fresh water pump, which stopped the flooding. The plumber went into the void and fixed the broken fitting which resolved the problem. It did mess up a couple of the Navy Enlisted staterooms.