John A. Hansen

John was a Navy ET, and served aboard USNS Michelson in OcDet3 from November 1962 through December 1964.

Michelson Photos 1962-64

Flexowriter School

Friden Training Center, Rochester, New York in November 1962. "Jim" Boomer, soon to report to the Bowditch is front row left. Eighth from left, standing, is "Charlie" Bradley, headed for the Dutton. John Hansen is fourth from the right, destined to spend the rest of his enlistment aboard the Michelson.

Recent Promotions

From the left are "Marty" Rombach, John Hansen, "Larry" Ortt, newly minted PO First Class Don Purcell and "Ray" Tullos on the right.

Michelson Beer Party

Aboard ship in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, early 1964.
Front row, L to R: Larry Ortt ET3, John Hansen ET3
Center row, L to R: Borkovic ?, John "Doc" Mottram HM1, Jim Dietor ET1
Top center: Unidentified

Contemporary Photo Album

Restaurante Los Caracoles

Some photos taken in May, 2006 at Los Caracoles in Barcelona, just off the Ramblas. This was a favored dining location for Michelson shipmsates, still in business.

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