Bruce Gray
Enjoying a Dutton meal in the enlisted mess...what a treat.
Bruce Gray served as a Navy PH2 aboard USNS Dutton from April 1979 to April 1980, under LCDRs Rowney and McCallister. He was the OcUNIT 2 photographer. As well as his normal photography duties he produced the "Serv-Op" newspapers, and designed some of the covers.
Enjoying a Dutton meal in the enlisted mess...what a treat.
On one of our visits to Japan we took a Special Services trip to hike to the top of Mt. Fuji. This is the group on our return to Dutton.
Henry Alubowicz has sent this key of the complete names for the Mt. Fuji trip.
When I reported to Dutton in April 1979, she was in dry dock in San Francisco. We stayed on Treasure Island. When I left in April 1980 we were in dry dock in Richmond, just north of SF.
The Richmond dock was a floating dry dock.
This is the San Francisco dry dock in May, 1979.
Another photo of Dutton, from the stern, in dry dock in San Francisco, May, 1979
The PDR display of Dutton's bottom track, sometime in 1980.
Some of the crew came and got me, saying: "You have to take a picture of this!" They thought the ocean bottom track looked like a woman's breast. We had been at sea waaaaayyy too long.