Change of Command
Oceanographic Unit Two enlisted personnel Ocober 9, 1970. Photo at change of command ceremony aboard ship at Edinburgh.
LCDR Channing M. Zucker was commanding officer of Oceanographic Unit Two aboard USNS Dutton from October 1970 through October 1971.
Oceanographic Unit Two enlisted personnel Ocober 9, 1970. Photo at change of command ceremony aboard ship at Edinburgh.
LTJG James F. Smith, XO
WO-2 Paul R. Schlehr, EMO
HMC E. E. McDonal
CPO unidentified
October 9, 1970.
Personnel inspection at change of command.
Officer left to right: LTJG James F. Smith,
LCDR Channing M. Zucker and
LCDR Peter S. Labyak.
October 9, 1970.
Personnel inspection at change of command. October 9, 1970.
LCDR Peter S. Labyak being relieved by LCDR Channing M. Zucker as commanding officer, Oceanographic Unit Two. October 9, 1970.
LCDR Channing M. Zucker reading his orders at change of command. October 9, 1970.
First row left to right: SK2 Ronnie Pait, ETN3 Walter McManus, ET2 G. Gillette, ICFN Larry Turner, ETN2 John Sorenson, ETN2 R. Pirog, ETR2 W. Service, ETN3 W. Lush, IC2 Mac Evans, ETI W. Finch.
Second row left to right: Mr. M. WacIaw, Mr. Steve Gage, Mr. Jim Miner, CDW02 Paul Schlehr, LCDR Channing Zucker, LTJG James Smith, HMC E. McDonal, Mr. George Tselepis.
Third row left to right: Mr. D. Watts, Mr. V. Olson, Mr. Willard Swartwood.Mr. Jim Findlay, Mr. W. Stout, Mr. J Bourg, Mr. L. McDonough, Mr. N. Malabad, Mr. H. Schneider, Mr. Marshall Capen, Mr. M. Stevens, Mr. M. Mullaney.
Fourth row left to right: Mr. Tom Pettin, ETN3 H. Jastrzembski, ETI K. McKee, ETR2 M. Nahlen, ETR2 C. Hopkins (hidden), PN2 1. Holifield, ETN2 R. Walker, ETR2 R. Smith, ICI Harrison Baxter, ETI R. Lewis, ETI T. Miller, Mr. N. Lovic, ETN2 M. Long, RMI 1. Broady (hidden), Mr. C. Wynne.
First row left to right: Jim Findlay, J. Bourg, V. Olson, Jim Miner, H. Schneider, M. Malabad.
Second row left to right: George Tselepis (Office of the Oceanographer), D. Watts, W. Stout, Tom Pettin, L. McDonough, C. Wynne, Willard Swartwood.
First row left to right: ET2 G. Gillette, ETN3 Walter McManus, ICFN Larry Turner, ETN2 John Sorenson, ETN2 R. Pirog, ETR2 W. Service, ETN3 W. Lush, IC2 Mac Evans.
Second row left to right: RMI J. Broady, ETI W. Finch, W02 Paul Schleher, LCDR Channing Zucker, LT James Smith, HMC E. McDonal.
Third row left to right: SK2 Ronnie Pait, ETN3 J. Jastrzembski, ETR2 M. Nahlen, ETR3 C. Hopkins, PN2 1. Holifield., ETN2 R. Walker, ETR2 R. Smith, ICI Harrison Baxter, ETI R. Lewis, ETI T. Miller, ETN2 M. Long.
First row left to right: Steve Gage (General Instruments), Marshall Capen (General Instruments), M. Stevens (Bunker-Ramo).
Second row left to right: M. Waclaw (Sperry), N. Lovic (Bunker-Ramo), H. Mullaney (General Instruments).
LCDR Channing M. Zucker congratulating ETN2 R. L. Walker on being awarded his good conduct medal.
LCDR Channing M. Zucker reenlisting ETN3 W.L. Lush.
LCDR Channing M. Zucker with presentation to ETN2 R. L. Pirog.
WO-2 Paul R. Schlehr, EMO
LCDR Channing M. Zucker, CO
LTJG James F. Smith, XO
With orphanage sisters of Nazareth.
About Christmas party aboard USNS Dutton for orphans from Nazareth House, Newcastle on December 19, 1970.
Christmas party aboard USNS Dutton for orphans from Nazareth House, Newcastle on December 19, 1970.
Oceanographic Unit Two C.O. LCDR Channing M. Zucker (center) explains survey requirements to Dutton First Officer Carl R. Friberg (left) and Dutton Master Captain John J. Cullen (right). Photo from 1971.
Officers and chiefs in khaki uniform left to right:
ETC Francis Reller, LTJG KARL Nitschke,
LCDR Channing Zucker, LT Wayne Olsen,
and HMCS Robert Dailey. April 1971.
Oceanographic Unit Two Navy personnel, NAVOCEANO personnel and Technical Representatives. April 1971.
LCDR Channing M. Zucker making remarks at change of command, chaplain at left unidentified, LCDR James E. Koehr at right. Cadiz, Spain October 25, 1971.
Official change of command invitation
can be seen here.
Personnel inspection at change of command. October 25, 1971.