Sunning on a Med Cruise
In the summer of 1963 we were making our port of call in Barcelona, Spain. After previously cruising up in the North Atlantic and multiple visits to Belfast, this was a
welcome change. This is a picture of the crew taking a break while underway.
Front row from left:
David D. "Doc" Cowley HM1, Larry Ortt ETR2, Patrick J. Yanahan ET3, Peter "Jim" Dietor ET1 (kneeling), Terry B. Sloan QM3, Douglas Hanahan QM2, Jerry R. Hayes IC3 and Andrew N. Douglas SOG2.
Next four guys behind from left:
Leopold A. "Lou" Avallone ETR2 (with beard), John V. Wheeler ETR2 (with hat), John A. Hansen ETR3 and Albert M. Forget YN1 (seated).
Back row from left:
Printess "Ray" Tullos ET3 (on air mattress), Martin J. Rombach ETR2 (kneeling, with cap), Robert E. Hobbs QM2 and LTJG E.E. Emmons (kneeling).