James Ward

James Ward was a Navy ET, and has the distinction of having served aboard all three T-AGS:

Michelson from December 1966 to January 1968
Dutton from January 1968 to Februar. 1969
Bowditch from January 1975 to February 1976

Dutton Photo 1968

The Four Amigos

December 1968, Somewhere in the North Atlantic. As you can see, everyone is quite friendly.

Left to right:
Chico Rosado SK2
"Salty" Dave Holden ETR2
James "Bongo" Ward ETN2
Ken Seely ST3

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My friend Dennis Boom ETCM served with me aboard USS Canopus AS-34. He then followed me to Cape Kennedy, FL., where we were stationed for 4 years. Boy was that some hard duty. Had to watch all those space shots! Dennis was also stationed aboard Dutton in 1965, although I did not know him then.

Dennis’ son Derek Boom was the Engineering Officer on USS Santa Fe SSN763 when she surfaced near the North Pole in July 2006. Here is a postal cover commemorating this event.

USS Santa Fe at the North Pole

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