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Most of the 550+ Victory (VC2) class vessels built in 1944 and 1945 were completed as cargo ships for the merchant marine. Others were fitted out as troop carriers and Navy attack cargo ships (APAs). Only a few were lost in the waning days of WW II. After the war ended some were laid up, only to be recalled to active duty during the Korean conflict and the Vietnam war.
As originally constructed, VC2-S-AP2 and VC2-S-AP3 Victory ships looked like this. Other Victory ships were repurposed, converted to other uses, both military and civilian. SS Joliet Victory became survey ship USNS Michelson in 1958 and kept on steaming until 1975. Sister ships Bowditch (ex. SS South Bend Victory) and Dutton (ex. Tuskegee Victory) remained in service until the late 1980s. Some Victorys were converted for use as passenger carrying freighters. Some became emigrant transport vessels, with austere accomodations for frugal travelers as well displaced persons in the aftermath of WW II. Several Victory hulls were eventually refitted as cruise ships. |
Khedive Ismail was
the second ship bearing that name. The first, a British operated
troopship, was torpedoed and sunk in the Indian Ocean by a Japanese
submarine in 1944 with the loss of 1296 lives.
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From the
company's December 1958 travel brochure: |
Two Sitmar Victory Ships
An extensive history of the Sitmar/Spanish Line Victory ships can be found on the most informative website of the self described "maritime historian, cruise'n'ship reviewer and author" Reuben Goosens. Go to https://ssmaritime.com/sitmar0.htm. |
Three Dutch Victory Ships![]() Three of these 97 troop carriers had a very different future. In 1947 the government of the Netherlands bought these VC2-S-AP3 vessels for use as troopships, naming them for celestial constellations:
In 1951 all three were converted to emigrant transport ships in Dutch shipyards. Each reconfigured for about 900 passengers, they carried people leaving post war Europe to settle in Canada, Australia and the USA. Ownership went to three Dutch companies, represented by Holland America Line in the US market. Major changes were
made, but the basic hull remained the same. Superstructures were pushed
forward over the number three hold and decks were added aft. Passenger
accommodations were spartan, mostly in dormitory rooms and 6/8 person
family cabins. The dining rooms looked more like mess halls.
SS Zuiderkruis (Southern Cross) ex. Cranston Victory 1951-63. |
SS Groote Beer's
history has extensive documentation on the internet. Many Dutch and
other european emigrants have written of their experiences aboard the
ship and how their lives changed after departing the "old country",
whichever it might have been. |
Three ALCOA Victory Ships
Passenger/Cargo vessels SS Alcoa Corsair (left) and Alcoa Clipper were built on Victory (VC2) hulls. |
SS Alcoa Cavalier under construction at Oregon Shipbuilding in 1946. |
Operating on 18 day Caribbean itineraries, they sailed from New Orleans, with port calls at Ciudad Trujillo, La Guaira, Puerto Cabello, Guanta, Port of Spain, Curaçao, Kingston, San Juan and Mobile. The air conditioned passenger accommodations looked to be quite comfortable.
A Coal Burning Victory Ship
A bit of research reveals that coal
from the Pocahontas mine in West Virginia was hauled by rail to Norfolk,
where it was loaded aboard ship for transport to ports in New England.
Pocahontas had a small fleet of these coastal
colliers, all having coal fired boilers.
Schindler, then a third mate, was aboard the second
ship named SS Oakey L. Alexander, the first one having gone aground and
wrecked off the coast of Maine in 1947. To replace the wrecked coal carrier,
Pocahontas Fuel Company obtained the SS Laconia Victory, a VC2-S-AP2
built in 1945 but laid up due to boiler damage. The oil burning boilers
were replaced with new coal fired ones and the ship extensively rebuilt.
Cargo booms were removed and the holds were turned into coal
bunkers. The ship used its cargo to fuel the boilers! Accommodations were installed to carry eight passengers. |
By October
3, 1948 conversion was complete and the resurrected Victory Ship began
its new life as a collier. SS Oakey L. Alexander continued in that role
until 1965 when it was sold to another coal company, renamed SS Marine
Collier. It was finally scrapped in 1969. |
At right, Pocahontas Steamship Company
memorabilia. A uniform button, dinner plate and the house flag. |
North to Alaska Aboard USMS North Star III
The ship continued in this role until 1984, delivering building materials, freight and passengers from Seattle to Alaskan locations not served by commercial shipping.
Diesel powered Victory ship USMS (United States Motor Ship) North Star III, ex. Emory Victory, at Bremerton, Washington. Note the unusual tripod masts installed fore and aft.North Star III carried its own lighterage, four WW II landing craft (LCM). A video shows the delivery of lumber and crated freight to an unnamed Alaskan location. A BIA press release describes delivery of 400 tons of building materials to 19 native families on a tiny island in the Bering Strait. |
By 1975 the 30 year old ship was in
need of serious repair. Among a variety of problems, the maker of the
diesel propulsion engine was no longer in business. Parts were
impossible to find. A
report on the vessel's condition can
be seen here. |
Scotland's Donaldson Line
From the photos it appears that passenger accomodations with portholes were added in the 'tween deck areas of number four hold. The superstructure is extended aft with the addition of two more lifeboats. The masts are taller, supporting HF radio antennas and additional kingposts are between number one and two holds. |
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This ship sailed under the Norwegian flag for 10 years after which it became the Liberian SS Concordia. Note the retrofitted rectangular pilothouse windows. Victory ships, when built, had five forward facing portholes, providing a somewhat restricted view from the bridge for the mate and helmsman on watch.
At one time
the fastest ore carrier on the Great Lakes, SS Cliffs Victory always
attracted a lot of attention by virtue of its unusual appearance. |
Container Ship Conversions Victory ships (VC2-S-AP2 or AP3) converted to container carrying vessels had a short useful life. They could carry just a few hundred containers fully loaded. The economies of scale indicated that bigger ships would be more economical to operate especially in the emerging era of global trade. Both of the
ships pictured below were converted in 1969, but were out of service by
1976. |
Oriental Ace was scrapped in 1976 while Oriental Destiny developed a leaky hull and sank in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during the same year. |